Commercial water softener
Commercial Water Softeners
Commercial Water Softeners are skid mounted, pre-piped and pre-wired providing easy installation and years of trouble-free service.
- FRP resin tanks rated at 150 PSIG meet NSF requirements
- Rugged Polyethylene rotationally molded brine tanks (fiberglass optional)
- Diaphragm valve nest design - each valve exactly sized
Two Bed Demineralizers
- Steel tank and FRP tank models
- Fully skid mounted
- PLC Controls
- Educted or pumped regeneration (batch or conductivity initiated)

Mixed-Bed Demineralizer
Mixed-Bed Demineralizer
- Steel tank (rubber or vinyl ester lined).
- Fully skid mounted
- PLC Controls
- Educted or pumped regeneration (batch or conductivity initiated)
- Provide water quality to 18 megaohms
Options for Filtration Systems:
Additional Systems
- Dealkalizers (chloride anion, weak acid cation, and split stream)
- Condensate Polishers
- Forced Draft Decarbonators
- Steam Cleanable carbon filters
- Multiple train demineralizers
- Chemical Feed Systems
For more information, including pricing, please contact Continental Hydrodyne Systems.